
If you missed the recent WWJ Newsradio 950 Leaders and Innovators panel on auto industry disruptions, you can listen to Sheldon Stone and the other panelist share their insights on the accompanying podcast, available at: For more insights from Amherst industry experts, visit our automotive...

IMAP is the world’s leading partnership of M&A advisory firms with close to 500 professionals in 39 countries. As a long-time IMAP member firm in the United States, Amherst Partners is able to leverage an expansive global network of colleague firms to help maximize outcomes for...

The recapitalization of TCC Wireless was named “Debt Financing Deal of the Year” by The M&A Advisor magazine at its recent M&A Advisor Summit. Congratulations to the Amherst Partners deal team on the engagement: Director Matthew Feldman and Senior Associate Arjuna Murthy, as well as all...